August 13, 2008

So if you have been following my list for my 1001 day project you know that #44 is to appear on a reality show. With the news that DC is getting its own "Hills-type" show, I may be one step closer! I even have my own semi-Heidi in the form of a former backstabbing co-worker (maybe an upcoming blog post!) that I would love to tell "I don't forgive you and I want to forget you." (If you know anything about me ... I rarely forgive... and in this case I do not).

Maybe I can pop-up in the background? Does DC have a club that is similiar to Les Deux?! I kinda suspect they will not be shooting on the Metro or at The Black Cat... LOL!


Capitol Hill 20210 said...

lol nah maybe somewhere in Georgetown, I don't really go out in DC though ---- I tend to hang at one place that is land to all the armed forces in one. lol.........I should get my own reality show "Zipcode and her adventures with military men"

michelle said...

yeah i am guessing georgetown too...

everyone should have their own reality show... at least for one season :-)