August 14, 2008

It is on B*tch!

And the fun continues...

I knew the HOA meeting last month went too smoothly. It was actually the best one ever!
Anyway aside from BOD members (of which I am still one:P) 4 owners showed, including resigned BOD member (hereafter referred to as B). She was actually quiet throughout most of the meeting as we did our business. Then at open forum time, she walked up to the BOD table and presented a list of 2 car license plat numbers that she said always parked in the same spot, she indicated 1 had expired plates and one had out-of-state plates (i guess in her mind it is a crime to have out of state plates !?) Anyway the Property manager indicated that she had Parking violation notices that she would give us and we could take care of this ourselves.

BOD member indicated she knew the owners of one of the cars and that she would followup, and the next day I figured out which car with out of state plates was being targeted, and indicated that the car does get driven, and I knew which building the owner lived in (so it was not a BOD issue anymore).

FF to this morning... the outside buzzer to my unit starts ringing at 5:20 am! ( I did not answer ... I was up but was no where near ready to head out and was on a tight schedule to catch my MARC.)

BOD member caught up to me at MARC station a bout a half hour later....and indicates the following...

She was walking her dog this morning and noticed a towing notice on one of the cars (the one for the owners that she knows, not out-of-state plates)! She asked me if I put it there. I said no. She said it must have been B. I said well it could have been B's friend. BOD member said no, B's friend does not have a printer... this was a printed notice (as opposed to a professional form).

So now we need to go around and put out notices that these actions are not being taken by the BOD and are not approved by us! The property manger is sending the towing company an auth form which indicates who exactly can contact them about HOA related towing.

B is a complete B*tch and total hypocrite. She resigned from the BOD in March with the statement that she is too busy to be on the BOD, but she is walking around scoping out license plates and picking up used condoms! Oh and the best part... she doesn't even live in the community. She used to , but moved about 4 years ago. Her and her husband do own a unit (not the one they lived in) where her elderly Aunt lives. B likes to go around making crap up so that she can send out violation letters... she wanted to send someone a letter because they keep their blinds pulled up all the way to the top, a few residents wanted to put stepping stones in as a path to their front units.. B was forcibly opposed and it was ultimately denied. Guess who ended up putting stepping stones in that led to her back unit ? Yep B! When I questioned it she said grass wasn't growing there and the (old )Management Company gave her permission... well the Mgmt company is not the one who gives permission for stuff like that... its the BOD.

Fallout from this should be fun!


Capitol Hill 20210 said...

holy crap, I would have loved this......ya'll should tow her car.

Robin said...

Hey, this sounds like fodder for, say, a reality TV show. :)

michelle said...

zip - that's part if the insanity of this situation ... she doesn't live there and so has no car parked there. let me amend that... she lives right up the street and until about a month ago her 3rd car was parked on the condo's lot... but a few weeks ago it disappeared (but has been seen driving around, so it was not sold), so I think she has been planning this move for sometime.

Robin - yeah... its getting ready to get crazy! Maybe HGTV would pay for this?