August 18, 2008

New color scheme!

I liked the black/yellow/blue original scheme based on another site that I go to every once in a while, but everyday it started getting hard to read (I also think the black/yellow/blue looks really good on my macbook pro, but not so much on my Windows based machine. So I changed it! I have a few things to still play around with, but I think the grey/blue-ish/pink is better at least on the windows machine. (though in attempt to match it to my Flickr Badge it may be overkill and too Flickr-ish... I am sure it will be green before the week is over :P)

(also as a note I think Blogger is greatly superior to the Yahoo 360 Blog environment I migrated from (Number one best feature is the ability to add HTML/Java widgets, and move them around - which I do alot :-))

But there is one thing that Yahoo excelled at and that was the embedded poll that you could use in each blog post. at Blogger its a sidebar feature so its hard to tie it to a specific post.