August 6, 2008

Speaking of the X-Files...

I went to see the new movie this past Sunday with two friends. It was not terrible, but I thought the first movie was better. It did have some high points (I gave a little cheer at something near the end - if you want to know ask in comments and I'll post it there... so as not to spoil anyone). It really stayed away from aliens and conspiricy (Mulder's sister was mentioned.. as was William).

I couldn't remember what happened to William at the end of the TV servies, admittedly once Duchovony left I only sporadically watched, but in case you are wondering William was adopted.

A few months ago I picked up the complete DVD box set (when Amazon had a 50% off sale) and will watch the entire thing from beginning to end, once I finish Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2 more seasons to go)!

and it WAS weird to see Scully with long hair...


Robin said...

Ah, thanks for the info on William! I agree, the X-Files movie was not very X-Files-y.