August 5, 2008

Specifically the pink and blue. (The green azalea is real :P). This is what I came home to yesterday. Up until that time, we had normal colored pansies (thought they were looking a bit dry... but not dead). Upon further inspection all the pansies at all 4 of the buildings in my condo subdivision had been removed, but my building was the only one to receive this "fake flower" treatment. (Oh, and its worse today... more fake flowers added!).

I suspect persons not happy with the HOA/Mgmt company situation are responsible (because one of them was complaining about the lawn not being cut a few weeks ago, even though the lawn has been mowed and edged better than it ever was under the old contract!)

Stay tuned for an update if I can discover the TRUTH!!


Robin said...

The truth is out there!

michelle said...

it's my x-file :P