December 13, 2008

Got my Commission!

Yesterday was my flex day so I used it wisely to finally go pick op my Notary Commission.

First up entered the address for the court house in my navigation system (I had been there once before for jury duty... many years ago).. and interesting thing too... after living in Odenton for over 6.5 years.. I learned a new way to get to RT 32.

Anyway it was a quick drive to Annapolis... then I got to look for parking. Luckily my navigation system lists Ps on the map where a Parking facility is. Except I have a weird habit of not being able to commit to a parking garage. It's very odd. I drive up, and I know where I should turn but I just can't do it! I usually end up driving around and around... (except if it's somewhere I have been before .. then I stick to the garage like glue.) So I was meandering through downtown Annapolis... and come to City Dock aka Main Street. I turn and start going up the street and notice that there are red bags over all of the meters! FREE PARKING (2 Hour) for the holidays!!!! Yay...except I am really bad at parallel parking... especially if there is moving traffic...but I got lucky! 2 spaces in a row.. so I could do the pull in manuever and then straighten out by backing up and then pull forward again!

So it's off to the courthouse. I signed in... raised my right hand and took the oath of office :D

Now I just need to order my stamp and I will the be officially open for business!


Lyss said...
