September 30, 2008
September 29, 2008
3 Days until I see New Kids on the Block at the Verizon Center !!!
so here is a mini quiz!
1) Did you see NKOTB back in the day?
Yes! Once at the Baltimore Arena... I wasn't allowed to see them at RFK :(
2) Favorite Song
Please Don't Go Girl
3) Favorite Kid
Joey McIntyre
tags nkotb
September 28, 2008
At least on my balcony!
Today I went with my mom (hi mom!) to a local nursery. We were looking for 2 things (mainly) mums and bulbs!.
I got these mums -
and these bulbs - (some Hyacinths and Double Late Tulips)
I have never planted bulbs before .... so stay tuned until Spring for a report if they bloom :)
I also got some mini indian corn
September 27, 2008
My MOM (who doesn't read my blog :P), Regan and Olivia, Robin and Alyssa, and Pearl Jam :)
UPDATE - I forgot to thank Madison! I am a terrible CatMom :P
Last week I was awarded this e-ward from Metro Man... the authority on all things DC Metro related - (he takes a bus and the train!). He is the author of iMetro a blog that I stumbled upon after this years earlier Orange-line Train Derailment, or in WMATA's words... Mechanical Difficulties! iMetro is always a fun read, and Metro Man has two features that I love... the Weekly Picture and his Videos (wish he would do more!).
My picks!
Blog to Heal - The blog that inspried me to start blogging!
Alyssa's Fitness Adventures - The blog that inspired me to move from Yahoo 360 to Blogger!
Capitol Hill 20210 - A good fun read!
What Liz Said - The blog that may inspire me to move from Blogger to Wordpress :P
(That's Why) The Lady is a Tramp - Snark is good!
EITMFans - I love Elliot in the morning and the official site is "Not safe for work" so this is a good substitute!
Confessions of a Jersey Girl - An interesting read.
(i was gonna say - why.i.hate.dc but i think that blog is officially dead...)
September 26, 2008
Prior to today I had limited my Presidential 08 blogging to my Obama button on the right and my twitter updates. However after McCain showed his true colors with his little stunt this week I can restrain myself no more!
First up - Planning to watch the debate? Make sure you have your nifty debate drinking rules handy!
Next - Twitter has setup an election channel! Be warned it scrolls in real time, and can be addictive!
Found this on the above Twitter channel - New McCain-Palin ad :D
Another find from twitter - McCain claims to have already won the debate, even before he verified he was going to attend!
Things McCain should remember at tonight's debate.
tags 2008, debate, drinking game, mccain is a tool
September 25, 2008
As of September 22 the cafeteria at the Ford House Office building is under new management.
Prior to this I had been protesting going to lunch there due to a French Fry incident (I ordered them... they then forgot about me for 15 minutes :P).
After a former co-worker told me about the change in management I was ready to try again.
So a little before 11:30am, I called the Ford Hotline to get the menu. Message = This number has been disconnected. OK.
We go over anyway. The cafeteria has been totally remodeled. It looks nice! Nice array of food (but a lot of it looks premade... sandwiches and wraps OK, hot food like cheeseburgers, fries, chicken fingers... not so much...I start getting a bad feeling about this).
I order a hamburger... which they had to cook (this is a fast food trick... order something standard but without at least 1 topping, they have to put it together, and you won't get something that has been sitting out for a while). and side of fries. After a few minutes my burger is done. But no fries! I wait... the server walks away! Then someone else says have you been helped? I respond - I am waiting for fries. So she proceeds to cook these from scratch, and I get to wait another 5 minutes!
As my friend and I are walking out, and discussing previous protest, I say - well I'll give them a pass. We can try them one more time.
Back at my desk I get an IM from my friend (he had pork loin and corn pudding).
He Says "That is one of the worst meals I've had in my past 13+ years working at X Agency"
My response "I guess we won't be going back?"
He says - "Nope"
This is bad... there are not that many places in walking distance in SW DC, luckily our Agency has a really good in-house cafeteria. But I need some variety!!
September 24, 2008
About a month ago I joined Facebook at the suggestion of a friend. (Prior to this a former co-worker had been pestering me to join but I (along with a bunch of others) kept teasing him that Facebook was for people in High School.
Anyway, I signed up and I am not sure what exactly kept me going back (perhaps it’s the ability to adopt a pet crab:P), but I am an active user, though I have yet to engage in any of the various War games (parking wars, mob wars, etc) though I guess it is only a matter of time.
One fringe benefit of this is if you fill in your High School (and college) info, former classmates start showing up in a side bar, and you can add them as a friend and if they add you back you can than see their profile info (among other things).
I am sure anyone that has an email address has received an email from They reel you in slowly….create a profile and catch up with old classmates! Except then you couldn’t email them unless you upgraded to premium service (aka pay money $$). Then started expanding…answer 4 questions in your profile, and we’ll let see those profile answers for other classmates. But they still wanted you to pay $$ to see more details. And the site is littered with ads.
Facebook is a nice clean white space… unless you fill up your profile! There are ads, but they are unobtrusive, though they change with each page load.
The one advantage Classmates may have is in organizing your reunion… you can hit everyone that has joined with 1 mass email (regardless of who is “friends” with who)… although any emails I get from Classmates are automatically flagged as SPAM, and end up in the trash :P
tags classmates, facebook, spam
September 23, 2008
In response to my post yesterday regarding what was sending me on the path to a meltdown, one of my regular commenter’s mentioned the “efficient worker phenomenon”. Basically when it’s discovered that you can do a good job quickly, people are happy to pile on the work! Which in and of it-self is fine with me, except when you are surrounded by slackers who don’t pull their weight.
This reminds me a situation I was in two jobs ago when I worked with some one I refer to as “The MOM”. I am sure you know where this is heading…
So in IT many times you have implementations that need to be done off-hours (ie late at night or on weekends). Many companies will work out something if you are putting in a bunch of extra hours (during off hours) where you get comp-time etc…
Anyway … in this job I was working on a big project where we were moving a bunch of data from a legacy system to a big new fancy web-based system. Guess who got assigned to do the majority of the weekend implementations? Yep me! “The MOM” didn’t work a weekend the entire time she was there, nor did she stay late. But she was always the first one aboard the “leave early” train! So while I was putting in all these extra hours I started asking if I could start leaving early (ie when my work for the day was all finished… because I can focus and get it done!). Denied! Then a few months later I started asking if I could start telecommuting (I had an hour commute each way by car) 1 day a week. Denied again… needless to say these were some of the main reasons I am no longer with that company!
I am all for being a team player and picking up someone’s slack when there is an emergency or last minute situation… but when it becomes a repeated behavior to the point where I feel that I am being taken advantage of it is then time to ask yourself the serious questions, such as “What can be done about this?” or “Is this the right place for me?”
September 22, 2008
I work in IT (software development side, I get paid to break things ie other people ‘s code :P) and I love it (usually)… everyday is different and I don’t have to deal with the general public ☺
Anyway… I work with this guy that does nothing… and by does nothing I mean does no work. On one day last week (right before my almost meltdown) this was his day…
Arrive… check email
Read book (not a software book… a novel!)
Personal phone calls
More reading of book
1st lunch (at 10 am)
More book reading
Personal phone calls (this one lasted at least an hour)
2nd lunch around noon – disappeared for about an hour
check email
Read book
Play PSP
You may be asking yourself why there is no internet surfing listed above? Well about 3 weeks ago the team that I work on was told to severely limit Personal surfing on “Agency” computers - because this guy was getting here in the a.m. and surfing all day (so where you see book reading above… that used to be surf time).
It’s not like there is no work to be done. I have been crazy busy, and in the midst of it all he was assigned to be the Primary contact for a small project. Right before the email went out announcing this he turned to me and said, “we need to tell them that you are the Primary on this” My response – “No, I am already Primary on another project”. So after he was assigned to this project he does the bare minimum (doesn’t prepare any reports or daily updates, isn’t prepared at all).
So last week, I had two documents that needed to be completed and submitted to the client for review, along with some other tasks that I needed to accomplish for the week. In the midst of all this (right after the big day of do nothing) I get an email that I am the only contact for a small project that needs to be completed this week (aka last week). While I am a queen of multi-tasking even I cannot work on two documents with a deadline of ASAP at the same time – they need to be prioritized. So in all my passive aggressive glory I said I could do one, but it would be at the delay of the other which one do you want me to work on? Needless to say – Mr. Do Nothing now found himself with some work to do.
I have been in this situation before... as I am sure some of you have. When you do a good job, you get assignments. If you do crap, people do not want to assign you work. Which is better? Obviously I say “Do a good job and stay employed!” but the people that do crap usually somehow manage to stay employed too!
What would happen if all the people that are top producers took a week and completely slacked? I think I would be bored after a day or two… there is only so much online shopping one can do!
The one plus about this situation is that I can bill extra hours and get paid for it :D.
One of my managers knows about Mr Do Nothing and that I am displeased about the situation., it remains to be seen if anything is done. I’ll keep you posted.
(I realize some may call me a hypocrite because I am posting to my blog while at work… but I think there is a difference between occasionally taking a surf break, and surfing, reading, and playing video games to the point that you are actively trying to get work that has been assigned to you reassigned to someone else.)
tags do nothing, slacking, work
September 21, 2008
Friday after I saw Olivia and my sister at the hospital, I headed to Towson Town mall to meet up with my mother and Regan (almost 3 yrs old) (and to get me some Nordstrom Triple points).
As we were strolling through Nordstrom, I had this conversation.
Mom - What are you looking for?
Me - Handbags
Mom - Any specific brand?
Me - There is a L.A.M.B. bag I want to look at.
Regan - You are going to buy a lamb?
Me - Maybe :P
( I think of I had said yes I am going to buy a lamb, Regan would have said I am moving in with you!)
Alas, the L.A.M.B. bag was way too huge, and I didn't like any other styles with that pattern.
But I did find this:
tags funny, L.A.M.B., MAXX New York, shopping
September 19, 2008
September 18, 2008
So it's been about a month...
The results of the poll were to take the pencil and run. A few weeks ago a co-worker removed the pencil. I haven't noticed it much since then. But it is back today, but the hallway was full of people!! Next time I see it... Operation Pencil is on!!!
tags pencil
If you support Planned Parenthood's mission here is a great idea!
tags donation, palin, planned parenthood
September 17, 2008
Online registration -
Rock the Vote
Powered by Rock the Vote ( this plays music when you click it... speakers be warned!)
Sent from my BlackBerry
tags dc, online, registration, voter
Last nights episode answered the question... who is Kelly's Baby-Daddy?
Don't read if you don't want to know....
I'm actually surprised they didn't draw it out longer...
It's Dylan... well actually they never said it was Dylan... Brenda and Kelly were talking about the kid, then Brenda said "You are still in love with Dylan". So I guess they could change it if Luke Perry won't come back.
Aside from that I think it's losing steam... the only real interest I have is in the original characters! (Oh and they mentioned Donna last night... and her new baby :P)
tags 90210
September 15, 2008
An answer to why no email alerts about Friday's Major Disruptions....(basically they blamed it on technical difficulties).
From: <>
Date: Monday, September 15, 2008, 1:00 PM
Metro¿s Blue-Orange Line Team received your email of concern regarding not
receiving subscribed e-alerts this past Friday, 09/12, morning. I apologize for
the inconvenience of not knowing ahead of time of the delays, which caused you
not to be able to make alternate travel arrangements. Metro experienced a
temporary technical problem with the systems that provide the electronic
messages. The situation was corrected later that morning. We appreciate your
patience and thank you for riding Metro.
Marjorie Strother
Customer Service Representative
Blue-Orange Line Team
Case number 432186
To speak to a Blue-Orange Line Customer Service Representative for Comments,
Complaints, Suggestions, or Concerns, please call 301 562-4606 weekdays between
the hours of 8:00 am - 5:00pm or email us at blue-orangeline
Please call 202-637-7000 for trip schedules, fare information, general
information and customer assistance between the hours of 6 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday and 7 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
**** DISCLAIMER **** "This e-mail and any attachments thereto may contain
information which is confidential and/or protected by intellectual property
rights and are intended for the sole use of the recipient(s) named above. Any
use of the information contained herein (including, but not limited to, total or
partial reproduction, communication or distribution in any form) by persons
other than the designated recipient(s) is prohibited. If you have received this
e-mail in error, please notify the sender either by telephone or by e-mail and
delete the material from any computer. Thank you for your cooperation.
Olivia Helen arrived this morning!
(I am sure my sister will be thrilled that she copied the first name from Eddie Vedder :P)
tags Aunt
September 14, 2008
Triple Rewards Points - September 17 - 21 YAY!
That new Fall handbag is calling your name... and mine!
September 12, 2008
Shortly after I moved Anything! to Blogger I added a counter which lets me see who's visiting, and where they are coming from. Its quite addicting to check ... especially when you start getting visits from other countries.
Anyway...A few weeks ago I noticed a visit from someone at Turner Broadcasting Systems, referred to this post by a Google search for Mark Paul Gosselaar Hair!
Yesterday I got an email from Turner telling me all about an interactive game on the TNT site where you can change his hair and told me if I wanted anymore info or materials I can contact the PR department!
He probably wanted me to do what I just did ... blog about it! Oh well I am a sucker!
Note to my visitors from Proctor and Gamble - I love free samples (oh and I watch As The World Turns... maybe we can do a tie-in?) ! :P
UPDATED: - Major delays on orange/blue due to suspicious package at Benning Road
2 comments Posted by michelle at 12:09 PMAside - Saw a dude taking up as much space as possible reading newspaper and with his messenger bag sitting on the other seat, this of course was my cue "Excuse me...." And with a huff of exasperation he moved his bag and then sat with his arms crossed... What a baby! LOL!
Anyway I pulled out my book, and started reading....Crackle-Crackle.... "If you have just arrived we have a situation... " I think uh -oh! The Metro guy proceeds to tell us that there is a suspicious package at Benning Road area, and he is only going as far as Minn Ave... where there will be shuttle busses to Stadium-Armory. I check my phone -- no alert from Metro ( which if they had sent one I possibly could have taken MARC all the way into DC) - (its now 8am - still no email alert from Metro)
We are on our way... after Landover, Metro guy announces... we are single tracking (so we switched to the Northbound track) due to a train already at Minn Ave. Ok... then we pull into Cheverly... where people heading into DC are on the opposite side of the track ... Metro guy "Well people are on the other side of the track... guess that's way it goes sometimes.." LOL - everyone on the train laughs!
We get to Minn Ave - Rush to shuttle bus ... (I actually made it in the second one!) While waiting for the shuttle, Not in service bus pulls up... Driver starts shouting I am heading to Deanwood! Everyone around me "Why is the bus going to Deanwood, the trains are running to Deanwood!"

On the shuttle bus... we get cut of by a silver Durango - Metro driver lays on horn... Durango lays on brakes... Shuttle bus riders laugh... this continued for a while.
Arrive at Stadium Armory - go through faregates... which are all labeled with the Yellow Major Delays signs... Train headed for Vienna comes through, I get on, figure out the situation at Benning Road is resolved ... and here I am !
It only took me about 1 hour and 50 minutes to get to work today... could have been worse, But Metro really needs to improve communications!
Sent from my BlackBerry
tags commuting, dc, delays, metro, suspicious
September 11, 2008
September 10, 2008
Because these Kate Spade's are calling my name!
Alas I already have black oxfords that I got last year from DSW and they are serving me well (I am even wearing them today!)
tags dsw, kate spade, oxfords, shoes
This announcement is perfect timing! My current 4GB 1st generation nano will be 3 years old in December. I saw an item on one of the weekend news programs that states an iPod is only good for about 500 charges (aka 2 years) so I am ready to upgrade (the purpose of the feature was when you should or should not buy the additional warranty stuff).
I will probably go with the nano again... I just need to decide on storage (8GB vs 16 GB) and color (too many to name - but I will probably go with silver or grey and then perk it up with various skins!)
Christmas comes early!
or A late Birthday present!
or I survived HOA/Management company transistion hell present (there should be a fun upcoming post about this saga -- we just found out that the old mgmt company had the BOD do something illegal (about 4-5 years ago... so way before I was on the BOD)!
September 9, 2008
September 8, 2008
In my 90210v2.0 giddiness
I forgot to include the moment that sent me into giddy overdrive (they ran the trailer during one of the commercial breaks)-
I have read all of the books in the Sophie Kinsella shopaholic series, and it looks like the move will mash a few together .The movie won't be released until Feb 2009, but the trailer looks good! ( The Becky casting looks spot-on... I am still iffy on the Luke casting:P)
September 7, 2008
I have seen many a person playing Soduko during my commute, but never understood the hype (nor how to play). So I finally found this site which explained the rules, and after about 20 I have solved my first puzzle!
I had to change my strategy about halfway through... instead of starting with the top most box, I started in the center, and worked my way out (starting at the top caused me to kept getting stuck in the middle).
tags 1001 day project, soduko
September 5, 2008
Benefit to air at 8pm EST on ABC, NBC, and CBS ( kind of odd FOX isn't listed).
(The song used in the tv promo's for the benefit is by Eddie Vedder :P)
The Razors post was such a hit... Time for another hygiene related post :P
I don't think I have ever been horribly disappointed in a deodorant that I have picked, but I usually stick to Dove or Secret...
Which brings me to... Secret Flawess Diamond Giveaway!
Who wouldn't want a $15000 flawless 1 carat diamond? So stock up now!
tags deodorant, hygiene, secret flawless
Sephora opens today!!
to blog about...
oh I know...
Anderson Coooper -- AC360 Rules! But I can't watch it live anymore since I get up at 4:58am :(
Why did he dye his hair grey/silver?
I hate the poll feature on blogger... so leave answers in comments!
A) going grey anyway
B) Wanted to look older
C)Wanted to replace Larry King
p.s. ross was right to b*tch out that prof that took his turkey sandwich (sandwich was totally gross) who takes food that does not belong to them from the office fridge...
SARAH PALIN that's who :P
tags anderson cooper, larry king, meaning, palin, tv
September 3, 2008
I am not a TV reviewer. Possible Spoilers and Speculation contained within.
I watched and I am not sure what I was expecting… but this is not the 90210 of my youth. It seems like it may have been a cross between The O.C. and Gossip Girl.
Perhaps I am confused because I identified with the older characters more than the teens… but I was giddy when Brenda ran up to Kelly at the redesigned-non-Peach Pit. :P
Kelly Taylor drives a Prius and has a kid (Dad MIA – more spec on this later)!
Brenda Acts!
Brandon was in some foreign country I can’t remember.
Andrea Zuckerman’s kid Hannah makes an appearance
Nat is at the non-Peach Pit
Kelly and David’s sister Erin is a regular (that goes by Silver)… and Kelly’s original MOM makes an appearance next week! YAY!
No mention of Donna or Steve or Dylan ☹
So back to Kelly’s Kid. Name is Sam. If it was unequivocally Dylan’s I would think they would have named it Jack (after his Dad)… but I think this will be a big sweeps reveal based on which guy (Brandon or Dylan ) will agree to come back. Jason Priestley has stated that he may direct some episodes if they get picked up, but he will not just be stopping by the non-Peach Pit to pick up a mega-burger, he is also a regular on a series on LifeTime. Luke Perry has said no… he will not be back… perhaps if Aaron was still around. But, I wouldn’t be surprised if he does a 180… he’s got a child to support!
The 2 hour premiere was a bit too much I think… an hour would have been better… but I will be back next week!
September 2, 2008
I was checking my online account this am....$4.25 was deducted for parking.... If I had used the SmarTrip card it would have been $8.25....
what a waste of money for the SmartTrip card. Oh well now I know...
Lesson Learned Metro and SmarTrip suck!!
September 1, 2008
Gossip Girl and Prison Break are both back tonight (in HD!)
The New 90210 premiers tomorrow night. While you wait with baited breath, here is a fun article from the New York Times with the original cast.
also, I keep seeing ads for the new Steven Boccho show on TNT (Raising the Bar)... Looks like it could be good, but I do not know if I can get past Mark-Paul Gosselaar's long hair!
tags 90210, gossip girl, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, prison break, tv