June 21, 2008
This is my first official, moving forward post via Blogger ( I used to use Yahoo! 360).
After being frustrated with my Flickr photostream being stuck showing pictures from last fall, I started looking into other blog alternative... and I decided to move to Blogger.
I think they offer more options for me to customize...
I will miss the tag cloud from yahoo! ...blogger does a big long list.. but I can add widgets, so I have hope that I will eventually find one that will let my tags become a cloud again!
I moved all my old posts over... but lost the comments.
Part of what also added to this move, is that I got a new laptop last week. My old Dell that I have had for 4 years basically overheats after more than 15 minutes of use, and crashes (usually in the middle of ripping songs of my cds and trying to import them into iTunes). Now I can do multiple things at once, import an entire CD, and surf for more than 30 minutes!
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