June 21, 2008

So growing up I used to go to the Library all the time and got a big stack of books, that I would read ... all the time... seriously... I would get in trouble for reading in class (book hidden in text book) because I was so bored!

But as I got into high school and college I wasn't reading for fun as much, and pretty much dropped it al together once I graduated college adn started working full time.

Until about 2 years ago, when I started commuting by train into DC... I started reading again... and after I few months I gave up buying and borrowing books.. and got myself a library card! And then I found out I could renew books online!

And then about 2 weeks ago I decided to find out how I could place a hold on a book... because I wanted to read "Stori Telling" by: Tori Spelling! and didn't want to wait! You can place a hold online ( pretty much the same way you renew)... now I've got 2 more holds placed (and a lot of other people must do this becuase for Sophie Kinsella's new book, there are more than 60 people in front of me