December 29, 2009

Forget the Una-Bomber....

Now we got the Fruit-o-the-Loom-Bomber...


Jockey -Bomber?

Tightie-Whitey - Bomber?


We're all gonna die (eventually).

I'm surprised the WMATA Metro hasn't been blown up yet... there is plenty of opportunity. MARC train too.

There are a ton of unstable people in the land. You cannot put your life on hold and cower to the threats.

Shame on TSA or whomever is announcing all these reactionary plans (no bathroom use for the last hour, no tv, no wifi). Fix the screening/security process. If it means doubling your time at the airport... Too Damn Bad. Welcome to the world we now live in.

Live your life to the fullest.


Bilbo said...

I'm just hoping that they don't start making us take our underwear off at the airport...the shoes are bad enough. Have a safe and happy holiday...hope to see you at another bloggers happy hour in the new year!