December 29, 2009

House Drama #7

If you are in the DC area you know we are in the middle of some crazy wind...

And over the last few weeks I have not been sleeping well, usually I wake up a few times, turn on Nick-at-Nite, with the sleep timer amd roll over and go back to sleep.

But last night ... I slept awesome. Until about 5AM.... when I heard a big crash! Then I realized it was very windy outside... I figured maybe a shutter had blown off the house... but then I got up and checked trash can had blown over :)

So I went back to sleep for about 20 minutes....

The morning continued as normal... Madison messing up the bed making process, hair drying, etc...

Then I went downstairs.... to get ready to leave.... something didn't seem right. I have gas logs in my living room, and I can usually hear a small hiss from the pilot light. So I went to look for the blue flame. No sign of it! I thought Oh No! Pilot Light is out! Is gas streaming into my house?? Um no cause I didn't smell it..... Weird I thought.... is gas out to the whole house??
I didn't think so becase the heat had been running all night, but I ran downstairs to check the furnace. Everything seemed normal.

Ran back upstairs, figured out how to turn off the pilot light from the main controller. Then sat down to think about next steps. I was still confused why gas wasn't coming into the house. I called the place that installed my gas logs. Not open until 10am.

Then I remembered "Google is my Friend" :)

I googled "Pilot Light Blows Out" and found a site that explained all about how pilot lights work... Basically when the flame blows out there is a mechanisim that shuts off the gas flow... YAY for Safety Features!! Now I just need to remember how to re-light it when I get home :P