February 4, 2009

Tell Me Why I Should Not...

Buy these shoes!


Capitol Hill 20210 said...

omg buy those, too cute

michelle said...

zip - i totally did buy them... on the plus side i actually waited 90 minutes... so there was some restraint!

Anonymous said...

They're adorable, but way too high for me. I'm a boring comfort-shoes person. :)

Bilbo said...

Because you might fall off and hurt yourself. Oops...you already bought them? Carry a net in your purse, just in case...

Lyss said...

They are very high, and they are very cute! Commuter shoe? Not sure... :)

michelle said...

zandria - if i remember correctly you are at least a few inches taller than me.. so i'll take he added inches how ever i can get them :)

bilbo -- i stumble just as easily in flat shoes... actually i'd say i am more careful in heels!

lyss - i can wear ballet flats for my commute and switch wheni get to the office :D