November 24, 2008


**This post was originally going to about some minor HOA drama related to Bulk Trash items (exciting I know!!) but has been superseded by workplace drama :D

I have been in the office setting workplace for over 12 years now (whoa time flies when you are having fun!). Usually around this time of year someone gets the bright idea to have a potluck holiday luncheon. Except I hate potlucks (on a large scale). I can't maneuver MARC and Metro with a covered dish.... I like my food HOT (the stuff that is supposed to be hot) not lukewarm. In the past I have sometimes made a cheesecake, ie when I used to drive to work.

Fast forward to this year. I work on a small team, mostly males (its IT afterall!) An email went out a few weeks ago mapping out the plan and asking people to sign-up for food. After briefly considering making cheesecake I decided against it... Mainly due to this guy.... After previously seeing him sneeze snot all over his lunch and then proceed to eat it I knew I wanted no parts of this potluck.

Fast forward to today -- Glorified Admin Assist (another blog post forthcoming) sent out an email to each person asking them if they were going to being in the office and what food they would like to bring. I responed yes, I would be in the office, but No I would not be participating.

3 hours later, Glorified Admin Assist send out a chart of all team members and what they are bringing..... Next to my Name - "Opted Out". (some others had TBD next to their name).

This is the same woman that made a co-worker "share" his calendar and then snooped on it and found a Happy Hour that she invited herself to!

So after her above juvenile move, I have decided the next Happy Hour I plan... I am going to let her know that I opted out of inviting her :P


Anonymous said...

As an expert in workplace politics/drama ( after all - I work with mostly women) I feel I should make sure you know that the reason the woman made the chart and put 'opted out' by your name is because she wants to be sure that you don't eat any food. There is nothing an office busy body hates more than the person that doesn't contribute to the office party but eats all the food.
The next step to being incredibly immature about it is for you to go to your supervisor and complain about the chart. The supervisor will then be forced to cancel this and all future potlucks and then everyone in the office can talk about both you and the busybody behind your back.

michelle said...

D - no she was being a Bitch... she makes food all the time and brings it in... and I never eat it. It will be interesting to she how this all shakes out!

Kofi Bofah said...

Ex Marylander checking in ( Silver Spring, MD)

I am just floating through blog world.

Your post makes me hungry.