November 26, 2008

That is what I was greeted with at 7:30 am this morning! The day before Thanksgiving! By Glorified Admin Asst - hereafter known as Potluck Bitch!

I somehow remained calm and was clearly able to think (thank you Starbucks Triple Venti Skim Latte).

Me: No one is telling you I hate you.

Potluck Bitch: (sticking to her guns) Yes they are.

Me: Who? I want names.

Potluck Bitch: I'm not telling you names.

Me: Then there is nothing to discuss.
Then she changes tracks and starts going on about how she is coming to find out that 2 people are saying things to her that are meant to manipulate her against me?!?!? I asked "who?".
She won't say. But does go on... and on.. and on.... to state that she hates being manipulated ... blah blah blah.....

Me: Well, I am not manipulating you so I do not know where this is coming from!!

Then she went on about how she just wants to connect with me. I just gave her a look like oh well, not gonna happen.

We have nothing in common. This lady is pushing 50 .. . and is DESPERATE for a husband and a baby. Two things that I have no interest in ... at all. She makes drama wherever she goes. Day after the election she came into the office and stated that some black guy, on the metro, screamed in her face "We will not be repressed any longer!" All the peeps that I work with looked at each other , and IM'd "yeah right! no one talks to anyone on the metro". Then she went on that she was waiting for me to be all in her face about Obama's win! LOL! she should know better... if I had said anything it would have been in a joking manner... and as everyone knows you only joke with people you like :P

Yes I do not like her... she is sketchy, and annoying , and a million other things I don't like , but I do not hate her.. and I certainly never told anyone that I did.

She stormed out of here at 10am. Luckily I am out of the office until Tuesday ... YAY!


Anonymous said...

You said bitch.
I'm telling mom.

michelle said...

haha. she will read it soon enough :)