June 2, 2009

House Drama #4

Sometime last week maybe around Wednesday evening, I noticed a scratching sound coming from my chimney. I figured it was a bird or mouse. I hoped it would leave on its own. But that didn't happen. So Saturday I queried the community listserv for recommendations. Sunday I called the place that seemed to have the best review. They said it was probably a momma raccoon and babies, apparently normal for this time of year. They said they would send someone at 8am the next day. So I moved some boxes in front of the fireplace opening and hoped for the best!

Monday morning the trapper arrived... he looked up the chimney..."Yep! its a momma raccoon... and at least one baby". Then he tried to smoke her out but she would only climb to the top for air... and wouldn't go into the trap.... So instead the trapper set a trap with sardines on the roof, that she would hopefully be drawn to overnight....

Tuesday morning arrives....I went out into my backyard and looked up at the trap. No Raccoon! But as I was sitting inside waiting for the trapper.... the chimney was quiet. No scratching. The trapper arrived "Bad news.... no raccon in the trap!" I replied "I know... but I haven't heard scratching this morning....".
Trapper then said "Oh they may haved moved on their own due to all the activity yesterday."

Me: YAY!!!!!

(Oh... and he laughed at me for putting the boxes in front of the fireplace... he said the raccoons never would have been able to open the damper/flu. I said I didnlt care... they made me feel better ;) )