July 9, 2008

My packed MARC train!

I didn't even make it into a train car today!!

(I am standing in the vestibule... right where 2 car trains connect together)

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Robin said...

Ugh! Why so packed? Was MARC having issues?

michelle said...

I think it was because the Tuesday 5:20 was over an hour late and caused major commute problems.. then the Wednesday 5:20 didn't leave at 5:20... so people knew there might be problems so they ran to cath the next train that leaves at 5:34.... thus they were all packed on my train. it was quite a site to see it roll into New Carrolton, already packed. it was so bad the conductor at the doors i made it in at kicked people off becase he needed to fit in the train! (i think they went down a few cars... and then got in)

Metro Man said...


I'll definitely be using this entry as source when I get around to doing my "metro vs MARC" entry.