August 19, 2009


One concern I had with moving from Condo to Single Family Home was the trash pickup situation.

In the condo everything just went into the dumpster. No recycling. No separating. No keeping track of pickup days. And I loved taking out trash.... I think it's part of my OCD/decluttering craziness.

So prior to the move I was concerned about the effort that would have to go into "Taking out the Trash".

But no worries needed. Cheverly has an awesome Public Works department. In addition to Twice weekly trash pickup... They also have once a week recycling pickup (which you don't have to separate - plastic, cans, bottles, and cardboard can all go into the same bin!) Once a week Yard Waste pickup (which the town turns into mulch... and you can have it for FREE!) ....... and once a week BULK TRASH PICKUP!!!

So I still like taking out the trash.... and even better...

I have neighbors that take up my emptied trash cans to my garage while I am at work :)


Diane said...

What's up Fraggle Rock?!