March 9, 2009

House Hunting... is hard!

When I bought my condo about 7 years ago it was easy... Location... Good, Floorplan... Good, Here's some money... see you in 9 months! (It was like having a baby! Except the house was ready 2 months early :P)

So with the accepted offer on my condo it was now time to really start looking for a new house for me and Madison. I had 2 houses in my desired location that I had been itching to see since around Xmas, when I first made the decision to move. One of them went Inactive right before I got my offer, and the other went inactive the day I went out looking... I took this as a bad sign.

Two Saturdays ago I (along with my mother and sister) met up with my realtor. We looked at 5 houses that day that were scattered throughout Hyattsville and Cheverly. (Hyattsville is very big... it has like 4 zip codes!) I saw some cute houses, but nothing really wowed me....

Then last week, I found a foreclosure in Kentland that I wanted to see, so my realtor said find a few more that are close to it and we will see them in the evening. So I did (I found 4 townhomes) ... and left work on Wednesday at 3pm. As I was riding the train, I got a message from my realtor stating that she had found one more in Cheverly that we would also see that day.

The foreclosure had holes punched in various walls, and I said I had seen enough after about 60 seconds. The townhomes were smallish (one had no parking...aside from the 2 space driveway). Next up - Colonial in Cheverly. 1 Car Garage, fireplace, just remodeled kitchen, 3 bedrooms, fenced yard.... and dramatic price reduction !!!!!(I wish I had remembered my camera). I said I would sleep on it before deciding to make an offer ( I needed to do my online research).

I did my research, Madison seemed to agree (that's her in the pic above with the listing... trying to tell me to buy it :P ) so Thursday I made an offer....

Waiting for the response from the seller ... it's a short Bank needs to agree ... and I think they were waiting to see what other offers came in over the weekend.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see the blubs are growing. Keep them in the sun. Enjoy!!!!