March 4, 2009

Yes for the 3rd time in less than 2 weeks a maintenance train has derailed on the Orange line. This time at Cheverly.

I am currently stuck on an orange train just outside of Cheverly.

Updates to follow!

UPDATE - 9:32am - Usually I catch the MARC from Odenton, but today I drove to New Carrollton, because I am meeting my realtor to look at houses. I knew there was a delay and single tracking on the Orange line, due to "Emergency Track Work". But I decided to go for it anyway. I made good time to NC, and as I approached the Metro car... it was packed... which I took as a good sign. If it had been sitting for a while.. it should be leaving soon! And I was right! So I only got to work about 5-10 minutes later that normal.

Check out my awesome picture of scene above.... maybe WaPo will hire me to be a reporter :P

Oh... and thanks to all the "gentlemen" that offered me their seat on the Metro ;)

Sent from my BlackBerry


Robin said...

Actually the 4th time, since the orange line derailed twice in the same day last time, plus the yellow line derailment later that same day. At least there were somewhat timelly and accurate e-alerts this time!

I hope your commute wasn't too bad!

Robin said...

RE: Update.... glad this didn't affect you too much! I avoided it altogether, took the Green line instead.

Also, the previous yellow line derailment was not a maintenance vehicle, so you're right, this is the 3rd derailment of that variety. Did I say "derailment"? I meant "emergency track maintenance". :P