December 22, 2009

Post - Snowpocalypse 2009

This was my first major snowstorm as a house owner... and here is what I learned....

1)Don't back the car all the way back in the driveway. If I had followed what others were doing I would have noticed they were parking as close to the sidewalk as possible... so they would have the least amount to dig out...

2)Don't go to Ghetto Giant right before a snow storm. It was a mess. All I needed was cat food... and there was only 1 express line open.

3) Buy more Ice Melt. I had one little jug that I was so proud of myself for buying at Target a few weeks ago. It lasted for my front porch and front walk.....I resorted to dumping cat litter on the sheet of ice that is my front sidewalk and driveway... but it is a mess. I'll try to pick up some more ice melt at 7-11 or CVS today.

4) Put recycle bins and trash cans outside. Mine are now safely tucked in my garage. With an icy sidewalk and 18 inches of snow between us :(

5)Shovel a path from front walk to driveway... I should have done this on Saturday.... Now I have to walk across icy sidewalk and driveway to get to my car and garage

When I was in my condo... all I had to do was dig out my car. SFH may be more work... but the quiet is definitely worth it!!!!